1. He has an obession with The Beatles
2. He thinks he is a grown up. He has never played with toys or been interested in the small things of childhood.
3. He hates putting pen to paper
4. He has navigated a computer since he was 3 years old
5. His first word was dog.
6. His favorite foods are hot dogs, cheese, grapes and bacon
7. He is really smart, but majorly stubborn
8. He idolizes his Uncle Russ
9. He has learned to play his first cords on the Bass gutiar. He says it hurts his fingers.
10. He is picky about the way he looks
11. He had rather listen to music on his own or with his Dad than be soical with a group of kids.
12. He gets compliments on his red hair almost everyday
13. He would live in Livingston TN, with grandparents if I would let him.
14. He tries really hard in school.
15. His first name is actually Ethan. Carter is his middle name.
16. He fits the oldest child mold to a T
17. He loves to play cards and boardgames
18. He was born on one of my dear friend's Birthday
19. Flash is his favorite superhero. Only because he is super fast.
20. He cried tears of joy when he met his little brother Wesley for the first time, and to this day he looks out for both of his little brothers.
That is 20 fun facts about my oldest of three sons, Carter. I am so very blessed he is my son. He forever gave me the gift of motherhood. I am so proud of him. Come back next Sunday to read some fun facts about Mr. Wes the Mess.
photo credit to Mrs. Kelli Trontell
So Kyle and I were reading crystal's handbook from school, the other day and ran across this article on how to spot an intellectually gifted or academically talented learner....
Great curiosity about objects, situations, or events
Eagerness to know "how" and "why"
Exceptional memory
Keen sense understanding in relation to human interaction
Sensitivity to the feelings of others
Attention to detail when making observations
Keen sense of humor
Early tendacy to focus on areas/topics of interest
Task commitment
Large vocabulary
Preference for conversation with adults
An understanding of the abstract
After we read that we were like....uhm Hello Carter!
So cute you did this for your kids....
Someday you all will look back and have fun with all these fun facts!!!
He is so handsome! What a cool kid!
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