I recently began to use a couple of new journaling styles making each of my journals a little more focused on one particular subject. I have been writing in journals for as long as I can remember, so I jumped at the suggestion to keep a prayer journal. The suggestion came from my pastor’s wife. I also thought it was brilliant that she keeps a table of contents at the beginning of each of her journals, so she will know just how to reference and use them at a later date.
My Maxjournal Collection on the Ipad |
Along with my prayer journal and day to day journal, I also decided to keep a gratitude journal. This is the journal of subject today. I titled mine “Thankful Heart”. I truly believe that a thankful heart breeds joy in our lives, and when you are joyful, the action of love naturally comes into play. We all know that love is the glue that holds us together or at least love is what holds me together. I am not talking about the warm and fuzzy emotion of love, I am talking big love. I am talking about action love. I am talking about Jesus love. The kind of love that: never fails, forgives quickly, that’s not self seeking, and speaks the truth (Corinthians 13). So, why not keep a recorded of what makes your heart thankful? Why not let that thanksgiving turn into an overflowing amount of joy. Why not turn our focus away from the negatives, the trials, the tribulations that we face in our lives, and lift our hearts up by focusing on our blessings and joy.
In my own journal, “Thankful Heart”, Everyday I choose to write down five things for which I am thankful. They range anywhere from a nurse making my son's shot day a little less painful, to a beautiful rose that has bloomed in my garden. Nothing is too small or too big to be thankful for. Blessings are all around us everyday. They come in so many shapes and sizes. What is your heart thankful for today?
Inside the Maxjournal App for the ipad |