I have fallen so behind on my posting. Life just seems to be moving in super fast forward these days...Can you believe Christmas is just 24 days away!!! YIKES!!!
Anyways Here is 40 Chores in 40 Days. Day number 19 coming at you.
I have an addiction, I must confess. I am totally addicted to magazines. It doesn't matter the date or the issue. If I haven't read it before(and sometimes if I have) I will take it. I have been better about getting rid of them, but still they seem to pile up in certain little spots of my house...the kitchen counter, in the floor beside my bed, bookshelves, in a basket in the bathroom and sometimes the recycling pile. So, my magazine and book stash in the bathroom brings us to today's chore, clean out the magazine basket in bathroom. It didn't take to awful long and I did mange to part with a few to add to the recycling pile and I packed away a few books. A couple of the books made it to the donate pile mainly potty training books...thank goodness for being done with that milestone with the kidos! See you folks tomorrow....THE HALF way mark!!!!!!
Alternative, DIY ‘Til Death Wedding
22 hours ago
Jamie, I just read this blog and I must confess I too am a magazine junkie! I have tons of them that I just can't part with. I keep thinking that there is a great recipe or article in there that I just cant live without. I should really go through mine and tear out the pages that I think I might eventually use but I just can't bring myself to do it. I have even bought old magazines at a yard sale for like $1.00 for 50 or something. Like I need 50 more magazines but I can't pass them up.
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